Monday, February 24, 2014

38 Singles and 6 LPs on ebay: Glam, Bonehead Proto Punk, Psych and Powerpop

I have a bunch of choice singles on ebay along with some LPs. All low starts, most with sound clips

You can find them here:

Good luck!

Jimmy Jukebox -Motor Boat (KIM FOWLEY) ORIGINAL UK Picture sleeve
Ohio Express -That's The Way a Woman is-RARE MOD Dancer/Bubblegum 1970
Flamin' Groovies -Feel a Whole Lot Better EP 7" (NOT the 12") UK Pic sleeve
Renegade My Revolution/ A Little Rock 'n' Roll -Killer Hard Glam1974 Demo
TALES -Rockin' Suzanna -Raucous Rock -Flamin' Groovies/Stones-DEMO- 1973
Neil Christian -She's Got The Power -Fuzz Freakbeat/Glam Stomper UNIQUE SWISS Sleeve!
Chaos -Guitar Man- UK Top (hat) GLAM German Pic Sleeve-1975
Dawn Chorus/Galahad -Little Green Men BUBBLEGLAM PSYCH -1973
Hetherington- Teenage Love Song-Powerpop 1973
Dwarf -Backstage Queen-- US-Private Proto Punk -Rare -1976
Dils -I Hate The Rich - US Punk 1977-original
Candy -Whatever Happened to Fun -Great US Powerpop
Wild Angels -Jo Jo Ann -R'n'R Revival/Glam-1972
Wild Angels -Clap Your Hands and Stamp Your Feet-Killer Rockin' Glam 1973
Day 'N Night -I Just Need Somebody -Phased Psych -1970
Simon Turner-SEX Appeal -Stomping Glam JK -1974
Rescue Co. No. 1 -I Want To Save You - Psych/Glam -DEMO-1972
Savwinkle and Turnerhopper -Your Mother Thinks I'm a Hoodlum DEMO-1970
Capital City Rockets -Little Bit o' Fun - US PROTO PUNK/Glam 1973
Jon Symon -Silver Star -Wild PROTO PUNK/Glam Scorcher 1975
Whizz Kidds-Big Teaser - US Glam/Proto Punk-Promo
Tiger B Smith -Morning Bird -Bonehead Glam Stomper 1975
Incredible Hog -Lame-Bonehead Cruncher -HEAVY Glam!-1973
Don Fardon -Don't Do That -Geordie-Blitzkrieg GLAM -1974
New York Dolls -Jet Boy- Rare Dutch Picture Sleeve -Original EX -1973
April-Rollin' It Over - GLAM-Autographed photos etc..." 1975
Christ Child -Let' Em Eat Rock -US Bonehead Crunching PUNK -1978
Shambles -Hello Baby -ORIGINAL UK Glam Cruncher-1975-Demo
Albatross-Rock 'n'Roll Boogie Man-BOOGIE GLAM Pic Sleeve!-1974
Good Habit -Find My Way Back Home -Crunching Glam 1974
Richmond -Peaches - Top UK GLAM 1973
Rockmore Williams -Lady Rock -Raucous Junkshop Glam -Demo -1973
Barry Ryan -Do That - GLAM classic - German pic sleeve! 1975
Mustang -Man On The Radio -German Teen Glam ROCKER-Promo sheet
Rockits -Livin' Without You -Badfinger -Nimbo -Powerpop-DEMO – 1973
John Black -Accordion -Crazy Gallic Glam -1974-Promo
Ritz -Jenny Gentle/Why Love -RARE UK Crunching Glam 1974 Demo
Robin Goodfellow-You Know Me Now- Great Purepop/Glam-1974

Plus 6 LPs
BONEHEAD CRUNCHERS VOL.1 proto-punk obscurities from the USA
BONEHEAD CRUSHERS (Crunchers) VOL 2 14 Demented Fuzz-Faced Monsters from the USA
BONEHEAD CRUNCHERS VOL.4 Streetlight Fight Boot-Stomping Low-life Heaviness

Barracudas -Mean Time Limited Edition PICTURE DISC!!! 30th anniversary Release

1 comment:

Ivan Retroff said...

clap your hands and stamp your feet? c'est drôle; j'ai juste le single des Dolls; tu reviens un de ces jours à Bxl? Amicalement, Ivan