Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Pagan Blitz vs Quick Fox: The genre that doesn't know its name

Pagan Blitz –Slippen Away/Rosalie –self release (US 197?)
Quick Fox –Feel My Touch/Indian –Wild Records A11-0678 (US 1978)

Sometimes records just don’t fit either in a fixed time period or match a pre-identified style. The two records in question ring all the right bells, but are too late for Proto Punk, as in one case at least, were released after the first wave of Punk. Both releases have Powerpop tendencies, but not overtly so…They are not AOR, as both releases have an energy and sensitivity that elevate them far from that field. Wherever they sit, both records are most enjoyable. All I can say about Pagan Blitz, is that they were from Greenwood Virginia and they cover Bob Seger’s Rosalie on the B side which probably betrays a bar band background. Quick Fox were from Massachusetts and released at least one other single (Pretty Baby) 4 years later. Here the mix is even more engaging with anglophile near Milk and Cookies vocals over some tasty and tough guitars. The B side Indian even reminds me of a Hard Rock Buffalo Springfield. (Thanks to Collin for turning me on to Quick Fox)

Quick Fox (from left to right) Nick Soldato, Johnny Soldato and Mick Valenti

Photo: Dan Valenti

Hear a full version of Slippen Away

Hear a full version of Feel My Touch

1 comment:

Holly said...

LOVE Quick Fox - thank you for sharing!