Beadfreak –Eve of Destruction/ Crazy Motorcycle Freak –Rotten Rat Records R-1001/1002 (197? US)
Note quite Uge, Wild Man Fisher or The Legendary Stardust Cowboy, but Beedfreak does his best to up the stakes on this Novelty biker number. The gravely atonal vocals, make the record stand out but also grate, making this a pretty much a one-off experience. A much better record would have ensued if the over present harmonica had been replaced by a fat fuzz...The Rotten Rat label’s address is in Brooklyn, so someone must have info on this release.
Eve of Destruction is also pretty much out there, but less so when considering that the gruff vocals are not a million miles away from Barry McGuire’s delivery, although eve of destruction comes out more like heave of destruction...Again someone/somewhere must be sitting on a few boxes of this one, still dreaming of a bright empty highway ahead...
Hear a full version of Crazy Motorcycle Freak
Hear a full version of Eve of Destruction