Starbuck –Wouldn’t You Like It/Maňana –Belter 08.363 (1973 Spanish issue)
Brian Engel and Martin Briley camp it up to the max on Wouldn’t You Like It, but the track doesn’t quite reach the ridiculous “heights” of Do You Like Boys or have the sheer class that permeates Heart Throb (check out the April 21st post). This Howard/Blaikley track is not without its own particular charm or duck sound effects for that matter…
Brian: They (Howard/Blaikley) had run out of good ideas and soppy innuendo titles by this time and were resorting to gimmick sound effects ...I honestly remember a duck quack on this single…..but I don’t remember it being released...
Maňana is like DDBM&T covering Rag Doll and plays it more straight in a commercial pop vein. Brian: Maňana was an old Bay City Rollers song (I think we did it either first or round about the same time). Now that was a good pop song…International appeal, a catchy song with a chorus that you could sing but didn’t need to learn…Na na na Na na na na na -if you could remember those lyrics you’d got the song”
Wouldn’t You Like It is probably the 2nd Starbuck single (RCA 2350 in the UK 1973) as Heart Throb on Bradleys came out the following year. It seems that there might even be a fourth single released as Starbuck: “Excerpt From A Skateboard Symphony” on Axle Production which ties in nicely with the later Slick Willie single (see review June 5th)
Thanks to MJ and Brian
Click on title for an edit of Wouldn’t You Like It/Maňana