Friday, April 12, 2019

Utrecht Record Fair April 2019 - Day 2 (Friday)

So here we go with the main event...

Today, it was mainly a question of quality over quantity. In just a few hours I managed to remove quite a few tenacious blemishes off my UK wants list. Including that Bunch single, which was probably my top remaining UK want.

Some nice, if less high end (i.e expensive) stuff including UK issues of those 2 Procession singles, both are great pop

The Johnny Coolrock is a tough one to find -first you don't really go out of your way to look for 70s Casablanca singles, secondly there can't be many of them about. It's a cracker in any case

What was apparent is the complete drought of European Glam singles in the wilds of Utrecht... has the well run dry? OK, I didn't have the patience to sift through boxes upon boxes of cheap singles, but even the usual dealers who feature Junkshop Glam, had become paupers...

Bring on Saturday, which is usually "consolidation" day...

Friday 07:04 am - Into the "Ghastly Blank..."

Friday 07:23 am -The feeding of the needy

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