Jon Symon –Silver Star Part 1/ Silver Star Part 2 –BASF 0612441-4 (1975 Ger)British squaddie makes good! Following deployment with Her Majesty’s armed forces in Germany, Jon Symon AKA Rasputin set himself up as a one man band playing across Germany and Austria. Following the Sweet Eliza and Mighty Quinn singles as Jon Symon’s One Man Band (BASF) he released this grungy yet gleaming Proto Punk/Glam scorcher. Probably featuring a full band (or does he play all the instruments himself?) the guitars roar and squeal à la Thunders during the break and ably counter-balance any of the gloss conveyed by the backing vocals.
Jon Symon appears to still be playing in clubs these days; in fact there’s a pretty mean one-man rendition of Mona on Youtube. Apart from rockin’ out, the man seems to also have a penchant for the esoteric and dressing up in pirate gear...
Jon Symon appears to still be playing in clubs these days; in fact there’s a pretty mean one-man rendition of Mona on Youtube. Apart from rockin’ out, the man seems to also have a penchant for the esoteric and dressing up in pirate gear...

Hear a full version of Silver Star
Update (from the horse's mouth) -Thanks Jon! Quite a stellar cast...
It's amazing what gets "dug up" here in Internet!!! I wanted to make a few comments (if you're interested in getting Info from the "horses mouth" - one horse at least) *LOL*
I composed the number and played the Guitars (Rhythm and if I remember rightly) the rather simple solo! on the A Side. The Instrumental solo on the "B" side was Frank Dietz - a then very well known German musician. The Bass was played by none other than Georgia Moroder, who owned the studio where it was recorded (Arabella in Munich). The drummer was my manager Cliff Koch.
During the recording of it, I lost my voice and asked for a couple of days off to get it back! - This couldn't be granted 'cause the Rolling stones had booked the studio to produce "Goats head soup", so I had to come back 2 weeks later to finish silver star. This was really bad news, 'cause Munich is about 6 hours at the fastest from Hannover, where I live. When I arrived the second time I finished the vocals and was helped with the Refrains (shubedoos!!!) by Donna Summer - who lived upstairs in the Arabella House. I was produced in those days by Pete Bellotte (Giorgios business partner) Later they both emigrated to Hollywood and wrote and recorded the music for the Fritz Lang silent film "Metropolis" and Giorgia also wrote the music for "Flash dance". I carried on playing with my one-man-band in Germany until 2012 and I have my "First-night" with my new Band in a pub near Hannover on the 4th May. I hope to be Playing Silver star 'cause all my friends want me to re-record it!!! and found it to be a bit too simple, but I like it again now ;-)
all the best from Germany,
Jon Symon AKA "Rasputin
Yeeeee this is rock! need listen: Sweet Eliza / Greenhorn
thank you
you have ?
Silver Star Part 2
Sweet Eliza / Greenhorn
Mighty Quinn / Shangri-La
Yes, but you can hear them by buying the 45s on ebay or elswhere...the way they are supposed ot be heard
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