A couple of years ago a glossy mag came out under the name Rock Mania. Perusing that mag and then jumping in head on to explore its every nook and cranny brought about a behaviour unknown since devouring those mid 70s issues of Bomp or the early issues of Kicks. Well guess what –there was never was a 2nd issue, but lo and behold, here is the next instalment and it’s called Brain Lapse!
OK, there’s nothing else around like it in print at the moment (although Shindig and Ugly Things hit the spot in their own individual ways). But this is the real McCoy –fun, entertaining and full of facts, anecdotes all in a glossy full colour easy to read format (great layout) .
There’s a wonderfully in depth interview with Eddy Grant on the Equals (the reason behind the plethora of lesser known 70s singles now makes sense) plus an interview with The Marbles (the US ones), Titan records, quirky French singles (never thought the Yanks would catch on to Au Bonheur Des Dames), a double spread on The Teens for chrissake!
You’ll also find great reviews of obscure Powerpop releases, 70s fanzines and so much more in its 82 pages without any adverts. There are only 499 copies printed, so don’t miss out, give your full support and hopefully more issues will follow.
These guys have THE right idea. Coincidentally, we have some reissues coming out that coincide nicely with some of the features in this mag. BUY OR DIE!!
Thanks for the good words, Robin! We're really happy this fruit finally came to fruition and hope folks get some enjoyment out of our myopia.
I'd also encourage EVERYONE to get EVERYTHING Jeremy and Trey at Sing Sing are putting out! Easily, the best label going today!
Love this magazine- every piece is written in a positive tone.
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