Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bubbles –This Is Where The Hurdie Gurdie Heebie Geebie Greenie Meenie Man Came In

Bubbles –This Is Where The Hurdie Gurdie Heebie Geebie Greenie Meenie Man Came In/Zap N’ Cat –Decca Y-10832 (1975 Aussie issue)

Finally got my mitts on this great 2-sider. David has already reviewed this on his 784533 site ( and I can only second his opinion. Some may find the A side too quirky, but for me this is the essence of pure Bubbleglam and every bit as wonderful as its title. From the Chicory Tip gurglings to the near sea shanty vocals, this is a real gem to be cherished and sung along to! Zap N' Cat is an out and out Punker with a great cutting guitar sound, it also features a great lead and drum break. ENJOY!

Click on title for edits of HGHGGMM and Zap N’ Cat


Velvettinmineradio said...

Congrats for the win! I saw that auction up there, but it was definately out of my price range until I get a higher payin' job!

Robin Wills said...

Of course you wait all day for a bus and then 3 come at once. Another copy went to Japan for a more resonable price and another popped up afew days ago. All 3 have been Australian demos so far...

Anonymous said...

after hearing zap'n cat i immediatley grabbed my stand and deliver 12" for some oddball reason...

Unknown said...

I love "This Is Where The Hurdie Gurdie Heebie Geebie Greenie Meenie Man Came In". How can I get the whole song? Thanksanayway!

Robin Wills said...

It shows up once in a while, I sold off my spare a couple of months ago...would be a great first song on an official compilation

Unknown said...

I have an original DAT copy of the disc from the artist, Andy Farmer (now deceased).

Robin Wills said...

Do you have any more info on Andy Farmer and Bubbles?