Reviews of tasty and obscure hook-filled rock'n' roll releases (Glam, Heavy Bonehead Crunchers, Powerpop, Pop/psych,Garage, Surf, 60s Girl Group Rock)...Plus any quirky musings that tickle my fancy...
I created this blog in order to stimulate interest, share discoveries and encourage people to go out and search for the original vinyl. Hopefully this blog might also encourage labels to actually compile some of this stuff officialy.
OK, before you all go thinking I've lost the plot, please take the time to watch this video. I truly believe that this is one the best Pop promos ever. Go with the flow and enjoy the show... Click on title to watch the video
Absolutely magnificent. Your blog is something I check every day, and OK, I knew this clip already, but the hit-rate for 'good' songs I'm hearing for the first time is significantly higher on your blog than anywhere else. Keep it up!
Only in Amsterdam... That's the Rijksmuseum in the background. Sorry to learn you were in Utrecht last week and we didn't meet. Next time the drink's on me... Keep up the good work!
Absolutely magnificent. Your blog is something I check every day, and OK, I knew this clip already, but the hit-rate for 'good' songs I'm hearing for the first time is significantly higher on your blog than anywhere else. Keep it up!
Only in Amsterdam... That's the Rijksmuseum in the background.
Sorry to learn you were in Utrecht last week and we didn't meet. Next time the drink's on me...
Keep up the good work!
Hi Jeroen
What!!! no space yoghurt????
I'll be back for the next fair that's for sure
All the best
PS: I went to the Rijksmuseum as well. Clever how it's strategically positioned close to Palace Records!
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