Thursday, November 15, 2018

Utrecht Record Fair November 2018: Utrecht arrival and first buys

OK here we are again for  the 50th edition of the  ever over-whelming Utrecht Record Fair

This is bound to be the last pre Brexit fair, meaning that next time the pound will most likely not be worth more than 80 cents...Anyway my April trip is already booked, what will be will be...

I caught the end of the outdoor fair in its new more pleasant location, just picked up The Gallery single at a good price

At the Plato record shop, there have boxes of 2nd hand singles behind the counter and I picked up some unexpected stuff including the Jimmy Jukebox in its Savage pencil sleeve

My check in to the hotel was then interrupted in the lobby by offers of  Absinthe 
 and beer with a couple of boxes of singles to wade through. Nice to get a pristine copy of the Dynamites single (Switzerland)

Alarm clock is set for 6, so should be inside the cavernous hangar of dreams as close to 7 as I can ....Will report back tomorrow

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