Homegrown –Three Days Ago/Loaded –Homegrown 001 (197? US)
Loaded is a fine slab of early 70s Stonesian rock with glistening slide and lead guitars to the fore. It’s not totally wild, but an assured and tasteful performance which beats the weak A side without having to lift a finger… Not far off killer territory. The band appear to have been from Memphis and were comprised of David Cousar, Perry Barrett, Danny Strange and Ronnie Caldwell.
Here’s a link to a nice shot of the band http://www.pbase.com/kchristi/image/79091500
Hear a full version of Loaded
Dave Cousar is a friend & tells me this was recorded in 68 or 69. He still tours, & plays in Memphis.
Hi...sayh hi to Dave. It certainly sounds later than that...those photos are also great
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