Streak -Cadillac Jack/ Blind Truth -Trident Studios Acetate (1972)
Thanks to Collin's intermediary services I have secured a copy of this acetate with fine pair of unreleased Streak tracks from their A&M period. I am hoping to get more information and details of their provenance soon.
Both tracks are prime Proto-Heartbreakers/Glam Boogie workouts, with (Whole) Blind Truth possibly being the more realised performance of the two with some killer guitar.
So adding these two tracks to the four Deram era demos and the 1971 NYC sessions (with Alan Merrill and John Siomos), begs the question -just how much more is out there?
Thanks to Patrick for making the deal!
More info soon...
Thanks to Collin's intermediary services I have secured a copy of this acetate with fine pair of unreleased Streak tracks from their A&M period. I am hoping to get more information and details of their provenance soon.
Both tracks are prime Proto-Heartbreakers/Glam Boogie workouts, with (Whole) Blind Truth possibly being the more realised performance of the two with some killer guitar.
So adding these two tracks to the four Deram era demos and the 1971 NYC sessions (with Alan Merrill and John Siomos), begs the question -just how much more is out there?
Thanks to Patrick for making the deal!
More info soon...
Hear an edit of Cadillac Jack and Blind Truth
Other 2 nice songs! But are the 1971 US demos available for listening anywhere?
Sound like a lost rehearsal tape of the Brats. Total Bowery slam.
The 1971 demos are available on a CD EP by The Arrows. I think it's called Walk Away Renee (the Left Bank tune)
just as good as 'bang bang bullet' 'black jack man' and 'gonna have a good time'!!!!!
Glammy Punk N Roll at it's very best. Thanks
Robin - I remember Streak coming into Trident at least once to have acetates cut and copies made. I think Jake Hooker was with them. This was the session. I've been looking for 'Cadillac Jack' ever since I heard it back then! They certainly looked the part - cocky, sunglasses, pre-Thunders rooster hairdo, flash. I think the acetate's label was written out by Ray Staff. It looks like his writing. If you want to reach Ray directly, email me, I'll give you his email address. best, howard
Just saying hello while I read through the posts
hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read.
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