Friday, October 06, 2006

Sound clips

We are having a few gremlins to iron out on the editing side (thanks Lou!) but in the meantime if you go back to August the 14th -I can assure you that you will have a Good Time Coming...


apolloc said...

hi robin, this is apolloc from the powerpop lovers blog
if i can help you in transferring the singles you're wrtiting about, i'll be glad to do that. i can transfer from a tape as well

a great comp of vinyl only would be more than interesting

Robin Wills said...

Hi Thanks for the offer. At this point Lou in NYC is starting editing stuff he already has and I have sent him tape number one with 20 songs is on its way via airmail.
I've posted a few full versions (I added April, Trevor White and Stanley Frank last night) while we wait, but from then on it will mostly be 1 minute edited versions as taters.