Marc Thor Band –Trak/ Love Sucks - Indy Records NR 10894 (US 1979)
I first came across Marc Thor on the Live At The Rat (Rat Records 528 US 1976) double album It’s a great live record featuring tracks by The Real Kids, DMZ, Willie “Loco” Alexander and other local Boston bands. On Side 3 Marc Thor (backed by DMZ) does a fine number called Circling LA, all about Jonathan Richman’s first trip out to the West Coast to sign a record deal. It’s a great song and performance built around an A-D-E chord progression. Trak is similar insofar that the song construction is dead simple, but the lyrics don’t immediately make much sense (blame William Burroughs…). Marc plays an overdriven electric piano over the rough and ready guitar based Boston sound and it fits somewhere between The Velvet Underground’s Foggy Notion, She Cracked (Modern Lovers) and Willie Alexander’s Kerouac. Love Sucks is a short sharp rocker, but lacks magic of the A side.
Bad joke time:
Marc walks into a room…Hi! I’m Thor!
Reply: I’m so thor I can’t even piss…
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